Emergency Planning
Contact Information
Office of Emergency Preparedness
LSU Police
Campus Crisis Information
Planning for emergencies can improve the response in the case of an event. LSU Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) is responsible for creating emergency plans for the University. OEP coordinates with other LSU departments, local, state, and federal resources in order to create effective plans. LSU takes an all-hazards approach to prepare for all natural, technological, and man-made hazards.
Members of the LSU Community may view the following plans, you will be prompted to login with your LSUID:
- Active Shooter Emergency Response Plan
- Continuity of Operations Plan
- Emergency Operations Plan
- Medical Response Plan
- 911 Cellular Desktop Panic Alarm Procedure
Building Emergency Action Plan
LSU Office of Emergency Preparedness offers services to create Building Emergency Action Plans (BEAP) that are specific to each campus building. Plans are created using an "all-hazards" approach to ensure preparedness for natural, technological, and man-made disasters. LSU departments that are vital to emergency preparedness and response also participate in the planning process.
Request a Building Emergency Action Plan for your building.