Monographs and Edited Volumes


Touria Khannous. African Pasts, Presents, and Futures: Generational Shifts in African Women's Literature, Film, and Internet Discourse (After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France). Lanham: Lexington, 2013.

Mark Wagner. Jews and Islamic Law in Early 20th-Century Yemen. Indiana University Press, 2014.
Mark Wagner. Like Joseph in Beauty: Yemeni Vernacular Poetry and Arab-jewish Symbiosis. Brill, 2008.


Qiancheng Li and Robert E. Hegel, trans. Further Adventures on the Journey to the West. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2020.
Qiancheng Li.Transmutations of Desire: Literature and Religion in Late Imperial China. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2020.
Qiancheng Li. Fictions of Enlightenment: Journey to the West, Tower of Myriad Mirrors, and Dream of the Red Chamber. University of Hawaii Press, 2004.
Gang Zhou. Placing the Modern Chinese Vernacular in Transnational Literature. Palgrave Mcmillan, 2011.
Brenda Deen Schildgen, Gang Zhou, and Sander L. Gilman. Other Renaissances A New Approach to World Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.


Kristopher Fletcher. Finding Italy: Travel, Nation, and Colonization in Vergil's Aeneid. University of Michigan Press, 2014. 
Kristopher Fletcher. The Ass of the Gods. Brill, 2023


Gundela Hachmann. Zeit und Technoimagination. Eine neue Einbildungskraft in Romanen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2015.

John Pizer. Imagining the Age of Goethe in German Literature, 1970-2010 (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture). Camden House, 2011. 
John Pizer. The Idea of World Literature History and Pedagogical Practice. LSU Press, 2006.


Paolo Chirumbolo.Il gicoco delle sedie. Saggi sulla narrativa e il cinema italiano del lavoro nel ventunesimo secolo. Morlacchi Editore University Press, 2022. 
Paolo Chirumbolo. Letteraturea e lavoro. Conversazioni Critiche. Rubbettino Editore, 2013.
Paolo Chirumbolo. From heaven to hell: The representation of the ThyssenKrupp tragedy in contemporary Italian documentary film-making. Taylor Francis Online, 2011.
Paolo Chirumbolo. Tra coscienza e autocoscienza. Rubbettino Editore, 2009.


Elena Castro, (Ed). Naciones incorporadas. Los proyectos nacionales y el control de los cuerpos en la Península e Iberoamérica. Letras Femeninas. A Journal of Women & Gender Studies in Hispanic Literatures & Cultures. Special Issue. 42.1 Summer-Fall 2016.
Elena Castro. Poesía lesbiana queer. Cuerpos y sujetos inadecuados. Icaria, 2014.
Elena Castro. Cos textual-sexual. Inscripcions del desig lèsbic a la poesia espanyola contemporània. Editorial UOC, 2011.
Elena Castro. La subversion del espacio poetico en el surrealismo español. Visor S.A., 2008.


Alejandro Cortazar and Rafael Orozco. (Eds.). Lenguaje, arte y revoluciones ayer y hoy: New Approaches to Hispanic Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Studies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.
Alejandro Cortazar. Reforma novela y nación: México en el siglo XIX. Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 2006.


Christian Fernandez. Imaginar la nación: Guiraldes, Gallegos, Lugones y Borges, Lima. Academia Peruana de la Lengua/Hipocampo Editores, 2020.
Christian Fernandez and Sara Castro-Klarén. (Eds.). Inca Garcilaso & Contemporary World-Making. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016.
Christian Fernandez. Edited and “Introductory Study.” Mis primeros ensayos. El Hipocampo Publicistas S.A.C., 2012.
Christian Fernandez. Inca Garcilaso: Imaginación, memoria e identidad. Fondo Editorial, 2004.


Dorota Heneghan.Striking Their Modern Pose: Fashion, Gender, and Modernity in Galdós, Pardo Bazán, and Picó. Purdue University press, 2015.

Jeremy King and Sandro Sessarego. Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change, Spanish across space and time (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). John Benjamins, 2018.
Jeremy King. “The Role of Power and Solidarity in Politeness Theory: The Case of the Golden Age Spanish.” In Historical (Im)politeness Jonathan Culpeper & Daniel Z. Kádár (eds) Volume 65, p299. Peter Lang, 2010.


Laura Martins. Lo poético cinematográfico. La imagen luciérnaga de Gustavo Fontán. Raleigh, NC: A Contracorriente | University of North Carolina Press, 2022.  This book has been awarded the Premio Humanidades—Honorable Mention by the Southern Cone Studies section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 2023. 
Laura Martins. "Per-verse Latin American Women Poets" In Ileana Rodriguez & Monica Szurmuk (Eds.) The Cambridge History of Latin American Women’s History (pp. 504-525). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Laura Martins. (Ed.). New Readings in Latin America and Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

Laura Martins. En Primer Plano: Literatura y cine en Argentina. 1955-1969.  University Press of the South, 2001.

Carmela Mattza. Hacia La vida es sueño como speculum reginae: Isabel de Borbón en la corte de Felipe IV. Editorial Verbum, 2014.

Andrea Morris. Afro-Cuban Identity in Post-Revolutionary Novel and Film: Inclusion, Loss, and Cultural Resistance. Bucknell University press, 2011.

Rafael Orozco. Spanish in Colombia & New York City: Language contact meets dialectal convergence. John Benjamins, 2018.
Rafael Orozco. Subject Pronoun Expression in Spanish: A Cross-Dialectal Perspective. Georgetown University Press, 2015.
Richard J. File-Muriel; Orozco, Rafael (eds). Colombian Varieties of Spanish. Iberoamericana / Vervuert; UK ed, 2012.
José F. Rojas. Women’s Representations from Radical Naturalism to the New Woman Response: A Transatlantic Perspective of European, Latin American, and American Narratives. Vernon Press, 2024.