Stephen C. Finley

Dr. Stephen Finley

Inaugural Chair

PhD, Rice University

Inaugural Chair, Department of African & African American Studies

Office: 337 Hatcher Hall, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

Research Interests: African American Religious Traditions, African American Religious Thought , African American Religion and Esotericism, Religion and Psychoanalysis, Religion and Embodiment, Theory and Method in the Study of Religion, Religion in America



Mathias Iroro Orhero

Dr Mathias Iroro Orhero

Ph.D. McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Assistant Professor, African and African American Studies

Office: 337 Hatcher Hall, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803


Teairra Evans

Teairra Evans headshot

Ph.D., The University of Alabama

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology


Core Faculty

AAAS Values

  1. Fairness. AAAS practices and advocates fair distribution of resources. opportunities. labor, and reward and advocates for the for the distribution of such in accordance with degree of past harm and present needs.
  2. Excellence: AAAS strives for the highest distinction and outstanding achievement in scholarship, instruction, professional service, administration, and leadership
  3. Justice: AAAS works for the transformation of structures, practices, policies, and ideas that inhibit and curtail human flourishing by engaging in self- conscious and ethical treatment of individuals and communities.
  4. Respect. AAAS shows regard for the humanity of others and honors human difference and sameness.
  5. Scholarship: AAAS seeks the creation and dissemination of knowledge, productivity, innovation and socially transformative ideas, at the highest level of intellectual attainment.

Lori L. Martin

Lori L. Martin

PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York

Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences

LSU Faculty Athletics Representative Louisiana State University

Phone: 225-578-1856
Office: 132B Hodges Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Research Interests: Race and Ethnicity, Wealth Inequality, Asset Poverty, Sociology of Sport



Jas Sullivan

Jas Sullivan

Ph.D., Indiana University 

Russell B. Long Professor of Political Science, Psychology, and African & African American Studies

Office: 239 Stubbs Hall



Sophie Moore

Sophie Moore headshot

Ph.D., Cultural Studies, UC Davis

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
