For Faculty & Staff
Here is how you can help us hire the best and brightest students for these important positions to support student success at LSU.
Promote These Positions to Students
Make Recommendations
Email names (and emails, if you have them) of students you recommend, including subjects/courses and which position (SI Leader, tutor) you are recommending them for.
Provide Reference for Applicants
The reference form will be sent to you in an email.
Benefits of These Positions for Students
- Earn competitive pay
- Increase subject material knowledge
- Grow a network by working closely with peers in a supportive and rewarding environment
- Gain leadership, communication, and other career readiness skills
Every first year student now has an assigned academic coach. If you see a student struggling in your course, please refer them to academic coaching! Also, consider adding our PowerPoint slide about academic coaching to your lecture.
Referrals are the number one reason students seek out CAS resources. Share this CAS services flyer with your students and connect them with CAS today!
CAS Services Matrix
Use this matrix graphic to explain CAS services to students.
CAS Study Cycle
Use this video and PDF to help students strengthen their study habits in your class.
CAS Presentation Slides
Use this presentation in class to inform students on CAS services and resources.
CAS All Learners Welcome
LSU Diversity Chat & Chew
Join with the LSU Office of Diversity and the CAS in learning new ways to create equitable learning environments through inclusive practices.
The Center for Academic Success offers free resources to help students increase their academic performance. Content specific-support includes tutoring and Supplemental Instruction. For help developing learning strategies, managing time, and increasing test performance, one-on-one Academic Coaching and strategy workshops help students plan their path toward academic success in all their classes. Visit the CAS website at for more information.
In an effort to improve student learning and persistence at LSU, the CAS supports faculty with practical strategies and effective resources incorporating these five principles.
- Integrate learning strategies into instruction.
- Create a student-centered learning environment by implementing active learning techniques.
- Endorse the use of academic support resources.
- Utilize technology to increase communication and engagement with students.
- Provide early feedback and interventions to students with poor course performance.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly study sessions offered for students enrolled in historically difficult courses.
SI Sessions are:
- Free, voluntary and open to all students
- A great opportunity to improve understanding of material and course grades
- An excellent way to meet other people in your class
- Guided by an SI leader who has taken the course and is prepared to share with you what they have learned about how to study
The leader attends the class and works in close association with the instructor so that sessions are relevant to the material covered.
Find out more about SI by visiting our Supplemental Instruction page. If you're interested in learning more about SI for your course email
Students have access to online tutoring through NetTutor. Tutor availability varies, so please refer to the NetTutor website for schedules.
Find out more about our Tutoring services by visiting our Tutoring Resources page.