Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Documentation Guidelines

Documentation of a hearing loss is the basis for providing accommodations. 

The documentation for a hearing loss is typically an audiological evaluation. An audiogram must be included in the documentation. An audiological evaluation will indicate the presence of a hearing loss and its scope. 


Accommodations are decided on a case-by-case basis and may include, but are not limited to:

  • Priority registration
  • Real-time captioning
  • Sign Language interpreting (ASL, PSE, and signed English) 
  • Cued speech transliterating
  • Note taking
  • Assistive listening devices (ALDs)    

Contact Us

  • To register for services
  • To request additional accommodation(s)
  • When unable to work out an approved accommodations with faculty
  • When accommodations do not seem to be helping
  • When there is a problem. Be honest with the staff and faculty. We cannot be of assistance if we do not know a problem exists

Using a Communication Facilitator

  • On the first day of class, or in any new situation, identify yourself to the facilitator.
  • Let the facilitator know what method of communication is preferred at the beginning of the semester to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Sit in a place that provides the best distance, lighting, background, and angle for seeing the facilitator.
  • If you have a question during class, raise your hand and ask the instructor/professor.
  • Avoid talking to the facilitator during class time. The facilitator cannot listen to the faculty member, interpret/caption, and understand what you are saying at the same time. Do not sign/cue anything you do not want voiced in class.
  • If you have difficulty understanding the facilitator, discuss your concerns with him or her. If this does not solve the problem, contact the coordinator for deaf and hard of hearing.
  • Contact the Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing if:
    • You are planning to be absent from class.
    • Your class is cancelled.
    • There will be a video or film shown in class.
    • You will be making a presentation in class.
  • If a student does not show up for class, the facilitator will leave the class 10 minutes after the class starts.           

Tutoring, Review Sessions & Study Groups

A facilitator can be provided to deaf and hard of hearing students for all tutoring, review sessions, and study groups.  However, requests for this accommodation must be made to Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services the at least 24 hours in advance.

Exam Accommodations

Additional time for examinations may be provided as an accommodation to deaf and hard of hearing students who are not native/fluent users of English to compensate for their language processing time.

Additionally, some deaf and hard of hearing students may require their tests to be interpreted by a sign language interpreter when English comprehension and/or expression is not being tested. A distraction-reduced environment may also be required as a testing accommodation for deaf and hard of hearing students.

Student Responsibilities

Communication facilitator services involve significant financial expenditures to the university. Students receiving this service must adhere to the following procedures: 

  • Submit an Accommodation Request at the beginning of every semester.
  • If you are unable to attend class, give 24 hour notice to Disability Services unless the absence is due to illness or an emergency.
  • Immediately notify Disability Services in writing if a facilitator is unsatisfactory (i.e., unsatisfactory ability to sign or caption, tardiness, absenteeism, unprofessional behavior, etc.).
  • If you need a facilitator for additional university functions outside of normal class times, submit a Communication Facilitator Request Form to the coordinator for deaf and hard of hearing at least 24 hours in advance.    

No Show Policy

If you have requested services from a communication facilitator and know that you will be unable to attend class, provide Disability Services with at least 24 hours advance notice so that the facilitator can be informed. In some situations, students may not be able to provide 24 hours notice; however, any advance notice is appropriate.

Failure to provide any advance notice is considered a "no show."  To give advance notice a student may:

  • E-mail the Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing at
  • Contact Disability Services main office at 225-578-5919 to leave a voice message.

Failure to provide notice will result in the following actions:

  • First no show: First Formal Warning
  • Second no show: Second Formal Warning
  • Third and subsequent no shows: Services will be automatically withheld
    A letter or e-mail will be sent to the student informing the student of the policy, appropriate procedures and to inquire if they wish to continue receiving interpreting or captioning services. Services will remain on hold until the student meets with the coordinator for deaf and hard of hearing to discuss the situation and determine if facilitator services are still needed.

If three (3) or more "no-shows" occur within the same two-week period, services will automatically be placed on hold with no warning. A letter or e-mail will be sent to the student informing the student of the policy and the appropriate procedures. Services will remain on hold until the student meets with the coordinator for deaf and hard of hearing to discuss the situation and determine if facilitator services are still needed.